admin@visionschools.in +91 96627 09999 / +91 83478 99990

Trustee Message

Mr. Ketan Khatana | Trustee | b.ed, m ed, phd

I am happy to observe that our faculties and students are thoughtful, passionate and curious learners, each faculties in his unique way has contributed to what makes Vision School the new way to archive the knowledge in Rajkot.

To achieve the desire, to nurture the dreams and to connect them to reality, the trust will take part and give special coaching in cultural and technical subjects. To conclude, it is my promise that the Vision School will prove to be an ideal place to provide all possible opportunities for the best education and development of an all round personality to meet the challenges of a competitive future.

I am personally encourage all the students to visit our campus, meet with the HODs, Admissions department, and Student sections, to find out more about the Vision School's cultural and academic programs.

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